Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Sleeping Pillow For Acid Reflux

A wedge pillow is an ideal choice for people who have trouble sleeping due to acid reflux, heartburn, pyrosis and gerd actually, acid reflux or heartburn occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus this happens when the esophageal sphincter (valve between the stomach and esophagus) doesn’t close properly how does a wedge pillow […]. Sleeping pillow for acid reflux. How does a sleeping wedge pillow for acid reflux work? these pillows work in a simple way compared to standard pillows, where your body is in horizontal position, wedge pillows or cushions generally lift the upper part of your body in relation to the rest of your torso because of this, the acid is less likely to come back into the esophagus.

sleeping pillow for acid reflux

Acid Reflux Bed Wedge Mattress Tilter from £224.68

Acid reflux bed wedge mattress tilter from


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