Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Can You Feel Gerd Pain In Your Back

Typically the pain is felt in the stomach, chest and abdomen but it can also radiate into other places, such as the upper back not everyone will feel pain in their back with acid reflux, but this can depend on how severe the case of reflux is, how often you are getting it and how sensitive to pain you may be 1 because acid creates a burning sensation, it is typical for this pain to travel to other areas. Can you feel gerd pain in your back. Overeating any food will cause heartburn for gastroesophageal reflux disease, or gerd, which food to avoid having heartburn or indigestion this is widespread h2 blockers are probably have acid reflux is also can you feel gerd pain in your back acknowledged that, “you would not irritation.

can you feel gerd pain in your back

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Referred pain means the pain that you feel in your back is not the actual source its coming from somewhere else certain digestive problems may cause back pain for example, a peptic ulcer (stomach ulcers) are formed in the lining of the stomach often caused by bacterial infections that weaken and penetrate the stomach lining. The pain of a gallbladder attack also can spread to your chest. with gallbladder disease, you may notice nausea and an intense, steady ache in the upper middle or upper right abdomen — especially after a fatty meal. the pain may shift to your shoulders, neck or arms. again, if you are not sure seek medical attention immediately.. Chest pain stemming from gerd may affect your upper body in some cases, but it’s most often centered either behind your sternum or just underneath it in an area known as the epigastrium..

more info can you feel gerd pain in your back---> click here


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