Sunday, January 31, 2021

Why Does Acid Reflux Hurt More At Night

Acid reflux is worse at night for three reasons first, the concentration of acid in the stomach is higher at night second, in the lying position, it is easier for acid to reflux and to remain in the esophagus, gravity does not take the acid back down into the stomach third, while we are sleeping, we don't swallow. Why does acid reflux hurt more at night. Because acid reflux-related aspiration tends to be more severe at night, head-of-the-bed elevation is recommended because gravity helps keep gastric fluids in the stomach where they belong losing extra weight is another lifestyle change that can help.

why does acid reflux hurt more at night

Acid reflux occurs when acid leaks up from the stomach back up into the esophagus when this happens, the acid can irritate the airways, causing them to swell. Share on pinterest nighttime stomach pain may be caused by eating close to bedtime, acid reflux, or gerd. digestive problems are considered the most common cause of stomach pain at night.. Acid reflux is a fairly common condition that occurs when stomach acids and other stomach contents back up into the esophagus through the lower esophageal sphincter (les)..

more info why does acid reflux hurt more at night---> click here


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