Friday, September 3, 2021

Gerd Vomiting Reddit

Basically for the past 3 days i’ve had awful acid reflux, causing me to vomit it starts as mild heart burn, then hiccups then vomiting it’s waking me up at night and affecting me at my job i eat chocolate and consume caffeine, but throughout my life it’s never gave me acid reflux or made me vomit bile. Gerd vomiting reddit. I have gerd and acid reflux my whole life, being diagnosed at 8 years old, and i've been taking 3 x 20mg famotidine in the morning an hour or 2 before breakfast (if i eat that day, anyway; appetite is ridiculously scattered despite when i last ate) and 3 x 20mg an hour before laying down for bed.

gerd vomiting reddit

Esophagitis - Oncology Nurse Advisor

Esophagitis - oncology nurse advisor

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