Sunday, April 18, 2021

Treating Liver Tumors

Operations used to treat liver cancer include: surgery to remove the tumor in certain situations, your doctor may recommend an operation to remove the liver cancer and a small portion of healthy liver tissue that surrounds it if your tumor is small and your liver function is good. Treating liver tumors. Primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) tends to occur in livers damaged by birth defects, alcohol abuse, or chronic infection with diseases such as hepatitis b and c, hemochromatosis (a.

treating liver tumors

Cedars-Sinai Neuroendocrine Tumor Program - NETRF

Cedars-sinai neuroendocrine tumor program - netrf

Radio Frequency Ablation for Liver Cancer - Viable and ...

Treatment for liver cancer often involves intensive surgery with a high risk of complications this can further affect the outlook for a person with liver cancer diagnosis. Chemotherapy may be used to treat advanced liver cancer. it may control the cancer, prolong your life and reduce the symptoms.. If the cancer started in the liver (primary) or spread from somewhere else (secondary), but treatments for primary and secondary liver cancer are similar; the size and type of liver cancer you have; where it is; if it has spread; your general health; it may include surgery, chemotherapy, using heat to destroy the cancer (thermal ablation), and using targeted medicines. the specialist care team looking after you will: explain the treatments, benefits and side effects; work with you to create.

more info treating liver tumors---> click here


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