Sunday, July 25, 2021

Gerd And Asthma Scholarly Articles

Asthma and gastroesophageal reflux disease (gerd) are very common conditions that affect millions of patients the prevalence of asthma is estimated to be approximately 20–25 million people in the united states [national heart lung and blood institute expert panel, 2007] and gastroesophageal reflux symptoms occur daily in approximately 10–20% of the us adult population [dent et al 2005]. Gerd and asthma scholarly articles. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (gerd) and asthma are common some 3–10% of the adult and 8–13% of the pediatric population have asthma (1, 2)more than one‐third of the total adult us population have intermittent symptoms of gerd (3, 4)the association of gerd with asthma is significant because gerd occurs in 45–89% of patients with asthma (5, 6) and because successful management of.

gerd and asthma scholarly articles

more info gerd and asthma scholarly articles---> click here


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