Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Va Rating Table For Gerd

Va ratings for gerd va rates gerd as analogous to other digestive disorders because it does not have its own rating criteria analogous ratings are used when a certain condition is not specifically listed in va’s schedule of rating disabilities if a condition is not explicitly listed, va will rate that condition under the diagnostic code. Va rating table for gerd. I have the 10% gerd rating just looking at your exam, i don't see anything different than my situation there is no documentation of a significant impairment of health which is why i didn't get the 30% but this is an opinion from a fellow gerd sufferer looking at your exam results.

va rating table for gerd

Compensation rates for veterans with a 10% to 20% disability rating effective december 1, 2019 note: if you have a 10% to 20% disability rating, you won’t receive a higher rate even if you have a dependent spouse, child, or parent. Va disability rating: 2019 va disability rates for conditions: 2020 va disability rates for conditions: 10% $140.05 $142.29 20% $276.84 $281.27. Any applicable rating(s) from table 14.4 and/or table 14.5 must be added to the rating from this table. when entitled stomach and duodenum conditions result in permanent impairment of other organ systems, a consequential entitlement decision is required..

more info va rating table for gerd---> click here


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