Sunday, November 21, 2021

Gerd Causes Upper Back Pain

Read: all about upper back pain while people can experience gerd and back pain at the same time, it is more likely that the gerd is caused by something related to the existing back pain or its treatment, rather than gerd causing back pain here are some possible causes of gerd and acid reflux related to back pain—and how to handle them. Gerd causes upper back pain. Heartburn with back pain and bloating can occur together in the presence of a digestive disorder that accompanies the reflux as we’ve considered before, ibs is just one of them the concomitant presence of bloating and upper-back pain is quite common, even though in such cases heartburn may not be present at all.

gerd causes upper back pain

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The upper back pain may be a coincidence and totally unrelated to the acid reflux or heartburn “most patients with acid reflux do not experience back pain,” says lauren gerson, md, board certified gastroenterologist formerly with california pacific medical center in san francisco. Acid reflux may cause back pain in several ways, firstly due to the vagus nerve irritation, which supplies the portion of upper back. people who drink alcohol, apart from suffering from acid reflux may also land up in condition called pancreatitis, this condition in its mild form may cause pain in the stomach radiating to back.. Chest pain stemming from gerd may affect your upper body in some cases, but it’s most often centered either behind your sternum or just underneath it in an area known as the epigastrium..

more info gerd causes upper back pain---> click here


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