Thursday, November 26, 2020

Gerd Throwing Up Reddit

I am pretty sure i have gerd, burning in my stomach and the back of my throat definitly gets worse with specific foods but something i am struggling with the most is the severe nausea almost every single night i wake up thinking i am going to throw up but never do this has been going on for months also feel nauseous throughout the day. Gerd throwing up reddit. Vomiting the chest and back pains of my acid reflux are pretty severe, usually lasts hours, over 24 if you count the waves it comes in i just started taking medicine a few days ago and i am working on exercising regularly, but i am struggling to find emergency relief.

gerd throwing up reddit

R/gerd: this community is for discussions of gerd, acid reflux and hearburn you can also find information about symptoms and related treatments …. Ibs and diarrhea accompany the chronic type of acid reflux. one cause of the problem of diarrhea is poor function of the muscles present in one’s intestinal tract. a few experts have suspected the muscular incoordination lining the intestines, stomach and the esophagus, all of which contributed to the symptoms of acid reflux and ibs as well as diarrhea.. Heartburn and nausea are both symptoms of indigestion, so they commonly occur at the same time.. indigestion is also called dyspepsia. it describes a group of gut-related symptoms. as well as.

more info gerd throwing up reddit---> click here


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